Saturday, May 30, 2020

Can Israels Most Popular Newspaper Help Find You Jobs

Can Israel's Most Popular Newspaper Help Find You Jobs 2 Of all the newspapers in Israel, Yediot Achronot continues to have the largest audience both offline in print and online with its Ynet sites (according to Alexa). When it comes to finding work in Israel, is this leading position justified? English or Hebrew? It used to be that you had to choose between the two most spoken languages in Israel to get your news. This no longer seems to be the case. Except for the glaring exception of Ma'ariv, all the major Israeli newspapers now have online (and sometimes even print) English editions. Yediot is no exception here with its Hebrew website and the accompanying English website. The most appealing part of for job seekers are the forums, which Ynet calls “communities” (× §Ã—”×™×Å"ו× ª). Of particular interest to us is the Job Seekers (מ×â€"× ¤Ã— ©Ã—â„¢ × ¢Ã—‘ודה) forum, whose home page also has links to other useful sites such as job hunting guides (מד× ¨Ã—™×›×™×?) and templates (× ªÃ—‘×יו× ª) like this Hebrew CV template. For news about the job market, you'll want to check out the Economy (×›×Å"×›×Å"×”) section of the website. A standard business site with headlines and a stock market ticker, there also subsections that might interest you depending on the industry you're targeting. For example, the hitech (הייט× §) section will often have articles such as this one about Israel needing another 100,000 hitech workers by 2015 (Hebrew). The Economy section also points at resources such as:eval A lexicon of Hebrew business terms, especially handy when visiting the site for the first time. A database of Israeli companies that's searchable both in Hebrew and English. A rolodex of Israeli executives, but contact searches cost NIS 3 per search if you buy the cheapest package. Calculators to help you understand the difference between ‘bruto' (gross) and ‘neto' (net) salaries, or estimating income tax returns. So the Hebrew site is handy, what about the English site? Although there are no forums (yet?), does have its own business section called Money.eval Like its older native sister, Money is fairly standard in the economic news it covers and also has a stock market monitor. The similarities end there unfortunately, because Money doesn't have much else to offer except a link for “Business Opportunities”, and that's pointing at the Israel Export International Cooperation Institute instead of a more helpful site like LaunchpadIsrael or StartupIsrael. Clearly, Money is intended for potential foreign investors and not Israeli job seekers. Conclusion With its abundance of information for job seekers, Yediot's Hebrew website does deserve the traffic it's receiving. On the other hand, Yediot's English site is a complete waste of time except for getting some of your Israeli business news in English. This article is part of the JobMob series on Israeli Newspaper Websites for your job search. Was this writeup helpful?

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